Lawyering by Example


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BLF Tip of the Week

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How much information should you release when contacting an Attorney for the first time?

Whether contacting an attorney over the phone for the first time or sitting down for a consultation, there are things you should be aware of. Everything you tell the attorney, whether you hire them to represent you or not, is subject to an attorney-client privilege. This means the attorney must keep your information confidential. The only exception to this is if you provide information that you are about to commit a crime or harm yourself. Otherwise, it’s a secret conversation. What does that mean? You should be truthful with the attorney about the information you provide. Providing misleading, inaccurate, or dishonest information will only adversely affect your representation and legal case. You should be truthful. 

You should also clearly state what your expectations are and what you are looking to achieve. Often times, the attorney can not effectively assist you if she doesn’t know what your goals are. State what you want. The attorney should give you an assessment on whether that is a realistic expectation and whether they can assist you. Maybe that attorney is  the right person for the job or maybe someone else would be a better fit.

Ask the attorney if they have any conflicts of information. Do they represent an opposing party? Do they represent a witness? You are entitled to conflict free representation.

Lastly, we recommend against hiring someone over the phone. Your legal matter is important and you should meet the attorney face-to-face before deciding if you want them to represent you. This may mean paying for a consultation or taking time out of your schedule to meet. You need to be willing to invest in your case and legal matter. So should they. Set up a meeting and lock eyes with the attorney

First conversations with attorneys can be stressful. With the right knowledge and game plan, they can be painless. Contact our office today for immediate assistance. For more information about the firm, go to

Franz Borghardt